Responsibilities: The members of the PEF committee have responsibility of granting partial scholarships to individuals who are enrolled in educational training programs of the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center. This includes the Psychoanalytic Training Program (PTP), Cleveland Child and Adolescent Training Program (CCAPT), and the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program (PPP).
Chair: Beatrice Grifin – Beatricegriffin1@gmail.com; text (216) 905-8294
Other Details: Committee members meet several times a year to determine policy and identify recipients of the scholarships which are awarded annually based on need. Volunteers for this important job are welcome.
Responsibilities: Coordinate the purchase and content of the CPC library.
Chair: Vera Camden - vcamden@kent.edu, Valentino Zullo - valentinolzullo@gmail.com
Other Details: This committee meets on an as needed basis; most of its decisions are done through e-mail correspondence regarding building and culling of the collection, donations, and book sales. When we have a special event or exhibition we will meet for such matters in person.
Responsibilities: Raise awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion issues.
Chair: Belinda Torres – dr.belindatorres@gmail.com
Other Details: Committee members are expected to attend monthly meetings to participate in discussions and contribute ideas. Committee activities to be determined including possible book discussions and community outreach discussions.
PCAC (Physician Colleague Assistance Committee)
Responsibilities: The Psychoanalyst and Colleagues Assistance Committee exists to provide support, friendly counsel, and a place to turn for advice and assistance for any matters of concern within our community. Members of the psychoanalytic center, friends and community members all are free to contact any one of our committee members to bring issues of concern of any nature in a confidential conversation. Our task is to help on ethical questions, matters of competency, training protocol or any other matters that we might help to clarify, resolve, or even bring to the attention of interested parties or those whose actions are of concern. The purpose of this committee is to help our community and to be of assistance, in a confidential and supportive context.
Chair: Debby Paris – dawparis@icloud.com
Other Details: We meet as issues arise to discuss how best to help those involved. If an action needs to be taken, we decide as a group who best to address the situation in a supportive, realistic, and helpful manner.
Responsibilities: To hear and evaluate any ethics concerns that arise related to CPC and it’s members. To help plan one ethics program per year that provides at least 3 CEUs.
Chair: Devra Adelstein – devra.adelstein@gmail.com
Other Details: This committee meets infrequently unless there is an ethics concern to address. Specific ethics concerns take varying amounts of time. Committee members will be asked to hear concerns as a small group and discuss options for problem-solving.
Responsibilities: Performing board and director evaluations, nominating and interviewing candidates for the board, reviewing membership applications, and overseeing compliance with the Center’s Articles of Incorporation and Code of Regulations.
Chair: Elisabetta Superchi – e.superchi@gmail.com
Other Details: The governance committee’s day to day work concerns with reviewing membership applications, helps the CPC staff members and administrators in governance matters connected with members, supports and helps members and committee members to know and follow the CPC bylaw procedure.
The work is done mainly via email. Meetings are usually scheduled as needed. One hour long regular annual meeting of the Governance Committee members is usually held between January and May.
Chair: Catherine Sullivan, Board Chair
Chair: Barbara Streeter, Board Treasurer
Chair: Trisha Stacks
Chair: Judy Pitlick
Education Sub-Committees:
Chairs: Catherine Sullivan and Laura Steinberg
Chair: Richard Lightbody
PTP Admissions
Chair: Vera Camden
Chairs: Barbara Streeter and Devra Adelstein
CARES (Consultation and Referral Evaluation Service)
Chair: Karen Wallis
Program Committee
Chair: Vera Camden - vcamden@kent.edu, Valentino Zullo - valentinolzullo@gmail.com