Please consider a tax-deductible donation to the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center. Your contribution will help us to continue to sustain our training programs, continuing education events, and a premier psychoanalytic library.
Thank You to Our Donors
Our deepest thanks to the following donors whose financial contributions to the Center make our programs possible.
Devra Adelstein
Anonymous donation in honor of Dr. Laura Steinberg
Lee Ascherman
Rimvydas Augis
Robert Bamberg
Laura Berick in memory of Arthur Rosenbaum
Susan Berman
Norman A. Clemens
Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society Foundation (CPSF)
Duane Culler
Carol Deutsch in Honor of Sue Tucker's 90th Birthday
Scott Dowling in memory of Arthur Rosenbaum
Patrick Enders
Thomas Eppright
Barbara Framke
Donald and Sharon Goldman
Beatrice Griffin
Betsy Iannuccillo
Pamela Isquick in Honor of Sue Tucker's 90th Birthday
Anna Janicki
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Richard Lightbody
Casandra M Monzon in memory of Arthur Rosenbaum
Kay Q McKenzie
Antoinette Miller in memory of Arthur Rosenbaum
Pamela Nilsson
Judith Pitlick
Susan Reese for Scholarship Funds
Alan Rosenbaum in memory of Arthur Rosenbaum
Susan and Bill Saltzman in memory of Arthur Rosenbaum
Janet Sharp
Steve Silva
Laura Steinberg
Catherine Sullivan
Sara Tucker
David Tilles Weidenthal, MD in memory of Arthur Rosenbaum
Sherri Wongchaowart
John Zbornik