Remembering Elisabeth Young-Bruehl
Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, who wrote biographies of Anna Freud and Hannah Arendt, was an analyst, a scholar, a thinker, and a woman of conviction. She came to our institute and gave a paper and talked to us when I was a candidate in adult analytic work many years ago. She changed institutes rather than change analysts when she chose an analyst who was not "acceptable"--to the institute she was applying to--since the person was not a training analyst. She was a woman who did not mince words, was a wonderful, thoughtful writer and an unusual analytic thinker. She will be missed.
Other books by her are Mind and the Body Politic: a Collection of Essays, The Anatomy of Prejudices, and Cherishment: A Psychology of the Heart. A new book, Childism, is due to be published by Yale University Press.This remembrance was posted on Dominique Browning's Slow Love Life website on December 3, 2011.The New York Times obituary appeared on December 5, 2011.