Dear Members and Trustees,On Saturday evening June 23, 2012 the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center will again host a benefit concert/lecture “Mozart: The Mind and Music of a Genius” by pianist and psychiatrist Richard Kogan, M.D. at Mixon Hall in the Cleveland Institute of Music.We are asking all of our members to get involved by bringing in an ad and/or sponsor to help make this benefit as successful as possible. Our committee consists of a small group of volunteers working hard toward our goal in supporting the Center. If each and every one of you participates this will help make this a monetary success. Click here to print out forms for advertising and sponsors for you to take to potential donors, and a Fact Sheet about the program and Richard Kogan. If you need more forms please contact Debbie Morse at the Center. We hope you can announce this event at meetings you may be leading or attending. Another way to help is to become an “Honorary Host” by buying a group of six or more tickets. Your name will be listed in the program.Thank you in advance for your assistance with this very worthwhile event in support of the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center. With gratitude,
David I. Falk, Ph.D.President, Board of Trustees Special Events CommitteeRichard Lightbody, M.D.Colleen Coakley, LISWVictoria Vermes, LPCDonald Baker