Fourth Year Course on Gender and Sexuality
Psychoanalyst Training Program
The syllabus for the PTP fourth year course on Gender and Sexuality has been constructed and is now available. The course will consist of eight seminars and will begin on September 6 th, finishing on November 15th. The leaders have borrowed heavily from the course designed by Dr. Jeff Longhofer in 2008; but the seminars have been reduced from twelve to eight, and the divisions have been reconstructed as:
- Introduction – Theory and Practice
- Deconstructing Gender (two seminars)
- Femininity
- “Masculinities”
- Homosexualities
- Gender and Sexuality in the treatment situation (two seminars)
The course attempts to present the key features of the contemporary debates in psychoanalysis on the concepts of gender and sexuality and their interrelationship. Gender identity and its formation and sexual orientation are major focuses, and feminist and “queer” revisions of Freud’s thinking will be studied.Following is the list of required readings for the course. Class 1: Introduction - Theory and PracticeWhitebook, Joel. 1995. “Perversion and Utopia,” pages, 41-72. Boston: MIT Press.Roth, Debra. (2009) (Imagining) “Erotic Mutuality: Negotiating Difference in Sexual Orientation in an Analysis. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 10:173-184Foucault, Michel. (2002). “The West and the truth of sex.” In, Dean, T. Lane, C. eds., Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 51-56. Class 2: Deconstructing Gender – Part I Harris, A. (2000). “Gender as a soft assembly: tomboys' stories.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 1:223-250.Harris, A. (2008) “Fathers” and “Daughters”. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 28:39-59Review DSM IV and V on Gender Identity Disorder and Gender DysphoriaClass 3: Deconstructing Gender – Part IIButler, J. (1995). “Melancholy gender—refused identification.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 5:165-180.Dimen, M. (1991). “Deconstructing difference: gender, splitting, and transitional space.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 1:335-352.Goldner, V. (2003). “Ironic gender/authentic sex.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 4:113-139. Class 4: “Femininity”Horney, K. (1926). “The flight from womanhood: The masculinity-complex in women, as viewed by men and by women.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 7:324-339 Mayer, E.L. (1995) “The Phallic Castration Complex and Primary Femininity: Paired Developmental Lines Toward Female Gender Identity." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 43:17-38Balsam, R. (2008). “Women Showing Off: Notes on Female Exhibitionism” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 56:99-121 Class 5: “Masculinities”Diamond, M. (2004). “The shaping of masculinity.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 85: 359-380Corbett, Ken. (2009) “Boyhoods”, Yale University Press. Chapters 5 & 6, pp.173-234 Class 6: “Homosexualities”Chodorow, N. (1994) “Heterosexuality as a compromise formation.” In Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities. Chapter 2:33-69. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press.Corbett, K. (1993). “The mystery of homosexuality.” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 10:345-357.Phillips, S. (2001). “The overstimulation of everyday life.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 49: 1235-1267.Phillips, S. (2003) “Homosexuality: Coming out of the Confusion.” International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 84:1431-1450 Class 7: Gender and Sexuality in the Treatment Situation - Part IBlechner, M.J. (2009). “Erotic and Antierotic Transference.” Contemporary Psychoanalysis 45:82-92Corbett, K. (2001) “More life: Centrality and marginality in human development.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, II: 313-335.Kulish, Nancy. (2010). “Clinical Implications of Contemporary Gender Theory.” JAPA 58:231—258 Class 8: Gender and Sexuality in the Treatment Situation - Part IIColtart, N. (2000). The Treatment of a Transvestite. In “Slouching Toward Bethlehem”. New York: Other Press. Pp.27-45
Elise, D. (2008). Sex and Shame: The Inhibition of Female Desires. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 56:73-98Suchet, Melanie. (2011). “Crossing Over.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues 21:172-191