CPC Members Display Their Creativity
At the recent meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association in New York, three of our members displayed their artistic talents in the art show. Vickie Todd submitted one of her popular Freud watercolor cartoons, and in the caption contest that accompanied the watercolor, three of the top captions were submitted by CPC members.The winning caption was, “On that note-let’s stop for today,” submitted by Dr. Kay Levine, Cleveland, Ohio.Second place was awarded to "Pink Freud and The Light Side of the Moon," by Dr. Jessica Brown, Washington D.C.3rd Place "The title of Tootism and Taboo is first conceived." Dr. Alan Kessler, San Gatos, California4th Place "You're making me dizzy, Mr. Gillespie." Ms. Judy Pitlick, Cleveland, Ohio5th Place "I like the way you herald in each new phase of your analysis." Mrs. Devra Adelstein, Cleveland, OhioDr. Anna Janicki contributed several photographs to the show, two of which are shown here.
Pictured on the right is "Falling Up." Dr. Janicki says of this photograph, "I never understood the title of Shel Silverstein’s Falling Up until this moment. The spring thaw made me aware of the capacity to soar during a meltdown."
"Refresh," on the left, was taken at Lake Erie, during an unbearable heat wave. Dr. Janicki recalls, "The empty glass of water in the forefront and lake behind it reminded me of some source of thirst and endless sadness, but also refreshed a wellspring of creativity inside of me." Judy Pitlick entered the two sculptures seen below. "Mother and Child" is rendered in pink alabaster and "Journey to the Center" was created from green layered alabaster. Beautiful! Are they not?