Events in April at the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center
The Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center has scheduled three very special programs for the first week of April.On Wednesday Evening, April 2, 2014 our Challenges Lecture Series continues with Jonathan Sadowsky, Ph.D., who will present, “The Dualities of a Medical Treatment: Early Electroconvulsive Therapy in the United States.”This presentation will examine early ECT use in the United States, hoping that a reconstruction of its history will help to explain why it has been such a controversial treatment. Jonathan Sadowsky is the History Department Chair at Case Western Reserve University, where he is the Theodore J. Castele Professor of The History of Medicine. His presentation, which is about the early introduction of ECT into American psychiatry, is part of a larger work in progress.This lecture is from 7:30 – 9:00 pm, and is free and open to the public.
On Friday, April 4th, Brenda Solomon, M.D., Training and Supervising Analyst at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis will present "Treating Three Women Therapists who Misbehaved: Understanding Narcissistic Behavior Disorders"The Learning Objectives for this program are:1.) Ethical guidelines and characteristics of boundary - violating therapists;2.) Analytic therapy of narcissistic behavior disorders;3.) Why all therapists should seek regular consultation.Brenda Solomon has taught a required course on Ethics and Psychoanalysis since 1994. In 2012 she was awarded the Helen Meyer Women's Traveling Scholar of the American Psychoanalytic Association.There will be a reception from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. followed by the lecture from 7:00 -8:30 p.m. This program is free and open to the public, but seating is limited & reservations are required. Continuing education credits (1.5 credit hours) are $15.00 for Center members and $20.00 for non-members. On Saturday morning, April 5, 2014 the Ethics Committee presents its fifth Ethics Workshop on "Real-life Ethical Worries in Clinical Practice: Cyberspace, Ethics, and Psychotherapy."This workshop is open to mental health professionals and clergy including Center and APsaA members, current and past students and graduates of the PTP, PPP, and TCAPP courses and of the Hanna Perkins Center, and members of the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic CenterThe presenter is Brenda Solomon, M.D. of the Chicago Institute.The Learning Objectives for this workshop are:1) To describe the ethical principles pertaining to therapeutic practice and the therapist’s code of conduct.2) To anticipate the common dilemmas which arise in clinical practice.3) To work with the potential for enhanced or decreased alliances when using technology.The workshop is from 8:45 am to 12:00 pm. Coffee and registration begin at 8:30 am. The fee for this workshop is $50.00 for non-members and $40.00 for Center members. There is an additional charge for CEU’s.There is no program charge for the Ethics Workshop for current PTP, HPC candidates, and current PPP students. All of these programs will be held at the Center’s offices in the Heights Medical Building, 2460 Fairmount Blvd., Suite 312. Free parking is available behind the building. For details and to register please call Debbie Morse at 216-229-5959 or email: