Recent Acquisitions in the CPC Library
Following are new books purchased for the CPC Library last Fall. After new purchases there is a list of books added to the Library from donations by members and friends. Bollas, Christopher. When the sun bursts: the enigma of schizophrenia. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015 RC514 B65 2015This book was recently reviewed on the website, The reviewer, Tracy Morgan, maintains that Bollas’ early experience with psychosis was an important influence on all his later clinical work. Issacs Russell, Gillian. Screen relations: the limits of computer-mediated psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. RC514 B65 2015The author uses patient and therapist experiences, clinical theory, and research from cognitive neuroscience and communication studies to analyze how computer-mediated treatment affects the patient, the therapist, and the analytic process.
Longhofer, Jeffrey L. A-Z of psychodynamic practice. New York: Palgrave, 2015. RC489.P72 L66 2015The author, a CPC member, has written well-constructed definitions of the key concepts in psychodynamic therapy. This glossary will be useful in daily practice as well as a starting point for further study of the concepts. Lynd, Helen Merrell. On shame and the search for identity. Routledge, 2014 BF575.S45 L9 2014This book is a reprint of a1958 classic. The author, a sociologist, defines the concepts of shame and guilt and explains how they are related to identity.Mehler, Jacques. What infants know: the new cognitive science of early development. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1994. BF719.M4413 1994This is still a useful source for introducing students to infant observation and its role in neuroscience research. Ogden, Benjamin H. and Thomas Ogden. The analyst's ear and the critic's eye:
rethinking psychoanalysis and literature. New York: Routledge, 2013. PN56.P92 O55 2013Because this book is co-authored by a practicing psychoanalyst and a literary critic, it creates a joint perspective that neither discipline alone can provide. The academic theory is followed by illuminating, critical discussions of works by Robert Frost, Franz Kafka, and Phillip Roth. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY FROM DONATIONSJacobs, Daniel. Grete Bibring, A Culinary Biography. Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. 2015. RC339.52 B53 J3 2015The photos, menus, and guest lists of Grete Bibring discovered in the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute Archives are a glimpse into the social lives of this select group of “psychoanalytic aristocracy.” Olga Umanskey, Librarian at BPSI, authored the section, "Grete's Guests: Selected Biographies," pp. 87-106. Photocopies of many recipes are included.Coles, Robert. The spiritual life of children. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990. BL625.5.C64 1990The author is a Harvard professor and winner of numerous awards, including a Pulitzer Prize, for his books on the moral, spiritual and social sensibilities of children, and more generally, on poverty and social justice.Greenberg, Jay. Oedipus and beyond: a clinical theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991. RC506.G74 1991The author critiques the post-Freudian conceptual framework of psychoanalysis.Masterson, James F. Countertransference and psychotherapeutic technique: teaching seminars on psychotherapy of the borderline adult. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1983In a question-and-answer, seminar format, the author examines the problems that attend working with borderline patients, such as differential diagnosis and countertransference. RC569.5.B67 M37 1983Kaduson, Heidi. 101 more favorite play therapy techniques. NJ: J. Aronson, 2001 RJ505.P6 A16 2001This book contains a wealth of powerful, practical techniques for child analysts.Pinker, Steven. How the mind works. New York: Norton, 1997. QP360.5.P56 1997A top science writer presents the workings of the human brain. The author outlines his approach in the preface, “… the mind is a system of organs of computation designed by natural selection to solve the problems faced by our evolutionary ancestors in their foraging way of life.”Terr, Lenore. Too scared to cry: psychic trauma in childhood. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. RJ506.P66 T47 1990Dr. Lenore Terr is a leading authority on traumatized children. These and many other books are available for borrowing. The suggested loan period is three weeks. To search the Library's Online Catalog go to
The librarian is in the Library on Tuesday, or you can call 216-229-5959 x 102 or email with questions or suggestions.