A Scientific Meeting Presented by Salman Akhtar, MD
Event Price: This event is free. CE fee is $10. HP and CPC students and candidates receive CEs for free.
Continued Education (CEU/CME): 1.5 credits
Attendance: This is a hybrid event - in-person and online attendance is available. Online attendees will have a webinar experience, which will not include the ability to ask questions of the speaker. There is no attendance limit.
NOTE: Pre-registration is encouraged. Walk-ins registration is available. No CEs available for walk-ins.
Reception 6 - 6:30 p.m. at the Center before the presentation.
Course Description: This presentation will open by discussing what poetry in actuality is. What are its components? From where does it originate? How does it exert a healing effect upon mental pain? Moving on from such issues, the presentation will highlight three links between poetry and psychoanalysis. These refer to the presence in the clinical hour, of (i) poetic sentiment, (ii) poetic speech, and (iii) poetic specimen. Each will be elucidated in detail and with the help of socio-clinical vignettes. The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate that, through the affirmative holding and partial unmasking of the instinctual-epistemic conflation in verse and free-association, both poetry and psychoanalysis seek to transform the private into shared, the hideous into elegant, and the unfathomable into accessible.
Learning objectives
As a result of attending this session, the attendee shall become able to:
enumerate the components of the poetic form
Identify the healing factors embedded in poetry
Utilize poetic sentiment and poetic speech to better treat patients.
Salman Akhtar, MD, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Jefferson, Medical College, Training and Supervising Analyst, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia is an internationally known psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, writer, and poet based in the United States. He has published 114 authored or edited books and given lectures and workshops in over 40 countries. Dr. Akhtar has served on the editorial boards of the three most important journals in our field, namely Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, and Psychoanalytic Quarterly. His books have been translated into many languages and he has received numerous professional honors, including the highly prestigious Sigourney Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychoanalysis. Recently a 10-volume set of his Selected Papers was released at a festive ceremony at the Freud House & Museum in London. Dr. Akhtar has published 18 collections of poetry and serves as a Scholar-in-Residence at the Inter-Act Theater Company in Philadelphia.